assumes not and is a bit gutted really. She says she always like a target
and she has nothing. Excuse me... I thought her target was a Nottingham
Half/Leicester Half double header and the Nottingham Grand Prix plus I though we were looking for European half marathons to do. That cheered her up a touch.
Later in the day our team captain posts that team entries are full so she has entered
L and I as a pair while everyone else are soloists. Then she tenders her resignation.
I suspect she’s finally lost it but I’m deliriously excited to be in a pair, it it's true and if
I can find a girl who’s capable.
When L translates PMSL it becomes clear that she’s joking and it
seems we are in a five again. If that’s not enough laps for me then L has offered
to wrestle me in the mud for one of hers. Jolly good, now just to get the rain
I’m on the bike today and it’s an eventful ride home. First
I stop to help a broken down car off the road in Risley and then I find Derby
Road blocked with police cars everywhere as they arrest somebody.
(Tuesday 10th October)
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