"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

A Happy Place

L makes a persuasive case for not cycling, the weather is foul. So I go into work on the bus. It is wet but it does stop long enough for my colleague and I to manage a pub lunch.

Leamington Spa has been voted one of the happiest places to live. It’s an interesting choice but not one shared by me. We’ve had numerous trips to visit Son there and clearly happiness is a lack of real pubs and nowhere that sells food on a Sunday. So clearly they have different criteria to me.

The boys and I are dog training tonight while L is going over to Daughter’s for tea. I hope she gets a demonstration of her washing machine, we do have shares in it after all.

(Wednesday 11th October)

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