"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Monday, 27 November 2017

Mama Cass

Doggo seems to have got his appetite back and more or less ate all of his breakfast, despite there being no mop in it.

I’m assuming that dog training will be off tonight, but stranger things have happened, so I’m on the bus with shopping deferred to Tuesday. 

There is excitement on the way home when the Red Arrow breaks down just as it's leaving the bus station. Well, not broken down exactly but the warning lights and sirens suggesting that something was wrong would not have made for a pleasant trip home.

The bus returns to it’s bay and we all pile on to the next one. Once back home, I have my orders. I collect L from the running club at the Portland Centre and then drive back to Derby because L wants a weights session in the Arena. She says she needs to stop fannying about or she'll look like Mama Cass.

I do a 20k Watt Bike session.

(Monday 27th November)

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