"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 24 November 2017

Black Fortnight Comes To An End (Maybe)

I think I’m officially a wimp. It’s a little cold, so I’m on the bus when I should be powering it in to work on my bike in readiness for Sunday’s track session but I don’t want to suck in cold air. Yep, wimp. Penance later in the gym then.

L is getting soft with the old man, Doggo, and has left him his duvet (yes, he has his own duvet) down in the hall. Although we both expect to find it shoved in a corner and him lying on the floor next to it when we get home.

I walk to the sandwich shop at lunchtime and at first I’m surprised to find that the traffic everywhere is gridlocked. Then I realise it’s Black Friday and people are queuing up to get ripped off.

They call it Black Friday but I’ve been deleting Black Friday emails for the past Black Fortnight. As soon as I delete one from my inbox another one appears. It’s crazy. I haven’t opened any of them.

I do get one email today that I care about, from Glencoe Mountain where they say heavy snow is falling at all levels and more snow is forecast over the next few days. Wow.  Let's go!

(Friday 24th November)

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