"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday 2 May 2014

An Integral Part Of Training

L takes a day off and the dogs take on the task of entertaining her. Although this will mean sitting with the door open and chucking balls all day but at least she won’t get bored.

She takes to the task like the professional she is and soon proclaims that ‘if that dog (MD) can still walk tonight I'll eat my trainers’.

I cycle for the fourth time this week, which is very satisfying even if everything aches now especially my legs. Sadly legs are such an integral part of my training.

I saw the girl racer again and had her on the hill out of Borrowash. It was over so quickly she probably didn’t know what had hit her. I did sort of apologise, with a polite nod, when she caught me up as I stopped at the lights before I (attempted to) speeded away again.

L has been looking into ‘good quality carbs’ and has come to the conclusion we ought to have brown rice or bulgur wheat more often and drop the processed pasta.

I get home and MD is still in the garden waiting for his ball to be chucked. So trainers for tea then, with brown rice or bulgur wheat?

(Friday 2nd May)

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