"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Monday, 24 August 2015

The Power Of The Chinese Takeaway

My colleagues at work are not overly impressed by my efforts yesterday e.g. ‘only 50 miles, wimp’. Not that they did anything spectacular over the weekend themselves.

L reveals that Saturday's Parkrun was her new PB by 10 seconds which just goes to show the power of a Friday night and also more probably the energy boasting power of the humble Chinese takeaway. She or parkrun have kept this quiet for two days though, we could have been celebrating.

L has nothing to do at work so instead works out her annual booze intake, the volume of which she blames on the hedonism of Paris, Switzerland, Glastonbury and Scotland. Which does make us sound quite globetrottingly hedonistic and I’m sure excuses the numbers. 

(Monday 24th August)

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