"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 29 January 2016

Equipment Twiddling

I’m on the bus for only a half day at work. I leave at lunch time before heading over to Newark to set up for our dog show tomorrow. L comes along to help bang in a few stakes and set up a few hurdles.

It takes us a couple of hours and then I hang around for another hour as the guy who is looking after the computerisation of the show twiddles his equipment.

When we finally leave for home it’s 8pm and the ‘big’ match has already kicked off. I have had to forgo the FA Cup 4th Round match between Derby and Manchester United. In a way that is good as I didn’t have to grapple with my conscience about the £35 ticket price.

After catching the first half on the radio we are home to watch the second on BBC 1. Derby lose 3-1.

(Friday 29th January)

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