"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Government Guidelines

It’s already becoming a big year for deaths. Today Alan Rickman, another one gone.

Derby’s cup game with Manchester United has been moved to the Friday evening for screening on the BBC which means I still can’t make it as we’re setting up for our dog show then. It does get me out of paying the outrageous price of £35 a ticket and that’s with a Season Ticket holder’s discount. If that’s a taste of the Premier League then I’m on a diet.

Additionally the home league game that was on that Saturday has now been shifted to the following Tuesday, which I also can’t go to as I have tickets to see Bloc Party.

I’m on the bike again today while L does a double header of Pump and Yoga. She’ll sleep well again after that lot and she already seems to be regretting stating that she intended to be conform to the new government guidelines tonight but , of course, she’s allowed to change her mind.

Squash is off due to my opponent’s ongoing back problems, so I might as well make up my own entertainment. A Friday night Thai with extra chillies and wine for those willing to flaunt the guidelines.

(Thursday 14th January)

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