"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Body Clocks

L has an early train down to London for work. So the dogs and I drop her off, upsetting everyone’s body clocks... breakfasts, morning walks etc. Then they get me on their morning walk. During which MD has so much ‘breakfast’ off the streets that I’m loath to feed him when we get back but he insists.

By which time it’s getting a bit too late for my planned cycle to work, so that’ll have to be rescheduled for tomorrow, along with squash, which will make for an exhausting evening.

L who is now impressively attempting to run 5k a day every day, arrives back in Nottingham and runs home. Wow. But not before she’s texted me to request that we pretend its Friday. I like Fridays.

(Wednesday 19th September)

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