Tonight is Black Friday and after the near hysteria last year nobody seems to give a fig this year. I’ve been studying Macbook prices for the last fortnight and if anything they are slightly higher on Black Friday than they were last week which is a cunning marketing ploy. I think I’ll hang on for the post-Black Friday sales.
Of course the real reason today is known as Black Friday is
because it’s a Thai-Free Friday as I’m attending my company’s Autumn Do tonight.
It was supposed to be our Christmas Do but because it’s only November we have
renamed it.
It’s also ‘Wear Your Old Band T-Shirt To Work Day’ which
I’ve missed again. If they could please advertise this better ahead of the day
next year. Please. I look jealously at all the photos sent into the website
while I sit here with a Notts 5 Miler t-shirt under my civvies. Not really the
same thing.
When a group of us leave work looking for a pre-Autumn Do
tipple an immediate downpour forces us into the Beefeater rather than a real
ale pub. Not a good start to the evening. We are marooned there (and soaked)
but at least not far from the Roundhouse where the ‘party’ is. The meal is ok,
at least it's hot this year, but it is outclassed by the pre-meal munchies of
mini-beef burgers etc which are really quite good. The event itself is not all
Christmassy, thankfully. In fact the only nod to Christmas seems to be the
crackers on the table. Not even Slade gets an airing, at least not while I’m there.
L turns down a work’s sponsored night at the Casino to pick
me up. I offer to get the bus home so that she can spin the wheel of chance but she
opts to collect me instead.
I get a text with the rendezvous point, go to the pull in by
the back of the station. It’s all so very cold war. I look forward to the honey
trap. She did mention turning up in a raincoat, boots and nothing else but she
doesn't have a raincoat...
(Friday 27th November)
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