"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Monday 9 November 2015

Enforcing Matrimonial Harmony

The book isn’t quite finished, so we are both trying to finish it separately. L of course will easily beat me.

The book is providing some great ideas to enforce matrimonial harmony at home. The husband in the book had cameras installed everywhere to keep an eye on his wife, so we’ll soon be getting some installed in the pantry and the fridge.

Dogging is rained off. So instead I head off for a swim at our new super duper 50m pool at Harvey Hadden. I manage 40 lengths but we are only allocated five 25m lanes in the super duper pool. The swimming club have the whole of one half but the other three lanes on our side are roped off for no apparent reason, a bit like a section of roadworks on the M1. Consequently it’s a bit packed in our five, luckily no one attempts any backstroke.

(Monday 9th November)

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