"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 20 November 2015

You Can Never Have Too Many Boots

You can never have too many boots. Apparently. That is as in 'pairs of' and not as in chemists. Christmas must be on its way.

L's curiosity convinces herself to bite the bullet and go for a This Girl Can swim. She reports back that the pool was packed with women on woggles. Which are strange floaty things, not boy scout things. So it doesn’t sound like she spotted any future Olympic champions in there, not unless woggles are the new sport?

I thought the whole point of the This Girl Can thing was to point out that women can do what the men do e.g. without any gimmicks. Yet they end up with a session that sounds like a child's playgroup.

I’m at the velodrome tonight doing what is likely to be the last session of the year with the pantomime, which is being held there, curtailing most sporting activities until the New Year.

L and boys pick me up later. 

(Friday 20th November)

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