"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday, 5 November 2015


It’s a little rainy on the bike but not too bad although they have promised us a deluge later. I will look forward to that. L’s already had hers, soaked before she even had chance of getting wet in the swimming pool.

Squash is off again this week which is probably no bad thing given the state of my calf. L is already digging out a URTP (Understudy Rapid Training Programme) in case she has to stand in at Clowne. She’s good like that. Although I suspect she’s only after my crumpets. Apparently you get crumpets in the goody bag at Clowne, as well as a Tunnocks teacake.  Hope they come warmed and pre-toasted.

(Thursday 5th November)

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