"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Terms And Conditions

Off to Newark today where L parkruns and I have a dog show.

MD has three clear rounds out of four run which is good but we don’t get any high placings. Well our best of 8th isn’t too shabby but we don’t even get a rosette for that. The fourth course was the type of twisty difficult affair we may have bagged a top three on but like most folk, we fail to get round it.

We have been invited to Bruges next year but the terms and conditions only arrive today. There is a Marathon involved of 26 beers in two days, at Belgian strengths that’s a tall ordeal.

I go out for a training session tonight. Some nice Titanic Stout in the Borlase and then a few normal Gorillas in the Blue Monkey. A grand total of 11 halves at UK strengths which isn’t making the Marathon look any more do-able. 

(Saturday 14th November)

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