"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 6 May 2016


I bike into work and then go for a bit of a lunchtime trot \ fitness test. Inconclusive...

L is out Beat Boxing again, she’s even spending her lunchtime doing it. She’s just so trying to beat me. I shall do some tonight as I have a free evening. Although as I suspected you get points even if you scan the same box twice which somewhat takes the challenge out of it. It doesn’t seem worth heading off into deeper darker rarely explored areas of Nottingham when I could just redo the ones I’ve already done. Some folk will simply rack up a huge score just by walking between the same few boxes every day, day after day.

However my evening beat box adventure doesn’t go to plan. First I am delayed only ten minutes after leaving work by a puncture, just as L texts to say she’s mopped up another two on her to the train station. Having fixed my puncture and I then get as far as Broxtowe before it goes down again. I blame the state of my totally bald tyre, so I abort the beat boxing after a grand total of zero and head home to order a new tyre off Wiggle.

Then it’s a night of home alone, just me and the boys. L texts to see if we are ok from a bar in Manchester where she is drinking cocktails and eating Marmite Chips. Yuk. Perhaps we have the better of it as we order an Indian Takeaway from the Bhaji Takeaway.

After the traumas it caused him (and by consequence, me) the last time L left him, Doggo copes well this time. For me, it’s a bit lonely in the bed with just the two of us there but MD seems to like the extra space.

(Friday 6th May)

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