"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Sunday, 17 April 2016

A Mere Spectator

Today is Derby 10k day and again I am a mere spectator as L attempts to hobble round it. It’s not one of my favourite events but I would have entered if I’d known for sure that I’d be uninjured but that’s always hard to gauge in advance. L clearly hoped she’s be uninjured but it hasn’t really worked out that way.

So I spectate with the boys and L does ok (for an injured person) but she won’t be happy (even though she’s injured person). It’s a nice touch that they are offering sick bags at the finish this year. I assume they didn't want anyone up-chucking on the pitch or perhaps they were just for the Forest Fans.

Afterwards we pop into see my parents before we head off to Leamington Spa to hand deliver 15,000 Yens to Son for his trip to Japan, if he remembers to get on the plane this time. We have lunch in the White Horse.

Then back in Nottingham we have a night out at the Horse & Jockey in Stapleford.

(Sunday 17th April)

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