"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 28 December 2012

Favourite Gigs Of 2012

This is the second part of my review of the year, my favourite gigs of the past year.

Unfortunately it's been another not very prolific years for gigs, only nine this year... oh dear

When I did manage to get out to a gig they tended to be rather amazing. A year for quality not quantity.

These five were totally outstanding.

5. Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls, Rock City, Nottingham, Sunday 11th November

Surely the best entertainer around. Frank doesn't do bad gigs, he doesn't even do average ones.

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4. Juliana Hatfield & Evan Dando, The Institute, Birmingham, Thursday 29th November

A improvised night from Juliana and Evan who just seemed to make it up as they went along. Thankfully they had the talent to pull it off.

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3. Feeder, The Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, Wednesday 21st November

Three of this years gigs were to see Feeder and they got better with each one. On this occasion, some great set choices and an old skool encore to die for.

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2. The Twilight Sad, Stealth, Nottingham, Wednesday 15th February.

A brilliant gig from an underrated band and as a bonus, the ears are fine, still attached despite being easily the loudest band I've seen this year.

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1. Peter Hook & The Light, Rescue Rooms, Nottingham, Sunday 27th May

Peter Hook & The Light do Joy Division's 'Unknown Pleasures' in its entirety and plenty more besides.

A tribute band at number one... whatever next.

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