"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Monday, 17 December 2012

Behind Closed Doors

L has started a new gym based fitness programme known as the Twelve Days of Fitmas. This involves adding a new activity each day. Day one sounds easy and is called ‘Sign up’ but day two is harder ‘30 Press Ups’ and day three requires a google ‘Burpees’.

L suggests that she might do the Burpees on her own, behind closed doors, as they might be embarrassing. Well the name is embarrassing, so if the exercises themselves aren’t it will be a huge disappointment.

I head to Sainsbury’s looking for Christmas meats, a whole leg of lamb for this Saturday and Reindeer (aka venison) for Sunday, with not much expectation that they’ll have either. So I am pleasantly surprised when I find both. Clearly the extra culling on Wollaton Park has been beneficial somewhere.

Nope, not doing Burpees in the gym. No way José.’ She must have googled them.

I shall leave her to it; I’ve got some wet outdoor dogging to go to.

(Monday 17th December)

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