"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Peaking Early

The boys and I have dog show today at Hatton near Warwick. We drop L off on the way in Leamington where she is going to do the local park run. They offer free coffee and cakes afterwards but she skips that to meet Son for a £2.99 breakfast at Wetherspoons instead.

I ask L to bring me all the unhealthy bits but she protests that would leave her with just beans on toast. I am of course just thinking of her health. She’ll have to shop at race pace to work it off then. Afterwards she gets the train to us and does bring some scraps although I suspect they may not be for me.

MD peaks early and as usual in a class where we don’t have a hope of winning due to the calibre of the opposition. He goes clear against all of grades 4-7. I consider that we are unlikely to be placed at all but we are, in 12th place and we get a rosette for that. He follows that with three eliminations on the bounce before in our 5th and last run we set the fastest time but have a pole down. So sadly we get nothing for that.

It’s the Manchester 10k tomorrow and I’m almost AF in the evening in sympathy for those that are running. I have just the one pint and a brandy. L just has a pre-race brandy, I’m not sure of the merits of that.

(Saturday 9th May)

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