"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Monday, 20 June 2016

Three Day Weekends

L claims to be shattered and proclaims the need for three day weekends. Unfortunately I think it’s the exhausting weekends that are the problem.

The idiot salesman from B&Q rings wanting to come out this evening after we specifically said we wanted Tuesday. Then he says they were only coming to measure anyway and we’d need to go back out to the store after the visit anyway. I think I am well capable of measuring a room myself, so I cancel the appointment. I shall have a look to see who else there is we can try.

I get home to find the stair gate open again and Doggo upstairs. The gate had been opened inwards not outwards. Interesting.

Dog training this evening, not that it’s of much use as another event has been cancelled. The one I was going to in Milton Keynes this weekend is now off.

(Monday 20th June)

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