"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Comedy Double Act

I’m in the car for a second consecutive day today which isn’t good and means I’m feeling very untrained but there’s another match tonight so needs must. Again I rule out running due to the risk of injury with the Nottingham Half Marathon this weekend.

It’s a 3rd round League cup match with Liverpool tonight. Derby don’t really give it a go and pack the defence instead. This works up to a point and nullified Liverpool for most of the first half until two of our defenders performed a comedy double act and gave them an easy goal. As we do.

A brave half time substitution indicated that we were going more gung ho in the second half in an attempt to get back into the game. To which Liverpool said ‘thank you very much’ and scored two more goals.

At this point, and with still half an hour left, the managers seemed to mentally shake hands. They both brought on youth players and then effectively played out a practice game until it was time to go home. Yet again we didn’t score any goals.

Time for a quick pint in the Navigation.

(Tuesday 20th September)

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