Turkey Trot entries open today. Great, this means I can
again log on too late and find the race has been filled hours ago. Places are
like gold dust and some say this race is harder to get in to than Glastonbury.
Consequently I have never ran the Turkey Trot but I have been to Glastonbury.
I’m in! Would you believe it, I’ve even had the confirmation
email. Although I now feel guilty for doing L out of the Bolsover 10k which is on the same day and is where she
has a reputation to keep up after I piloted her race number to 2nd
Over 50s Lady last year.
Did you see the Brownlees and their brotherly love? Although
I’m not sure Alistair would have been so helpful if he’d had a chance of the World
Title himself.
MD is at the vets tonight for his annual booster. He hates this once
a year visit with a vengeance and is a quivering wreck in the waiting room. The
vet has bad news for him, it’s no longer once a year. The new improved vaccine
that they are introducing requires two visits exactly four weeks apart. This is
progress? Doesn’t sound very ‘improved’ to me.
Luckily, afterwards we have dog training up at Codnor to
take his mind off it. Then we head over to Mickelover to collect L from her
parents where her brother is now at home.
(Monday 19th September)
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