"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Regime Change

So this morning we start the new regime. I take Doggo for a walk while L takes MD on the park with the ball chucker. They leave first which confused Doggo at first and he nagged me to head off in hot pursuit but he forgot all about that once he was actually out.

It was all a great success dog wise, both dogs exercised and L and MD got to bond. We even got our own exercise in as I still had time to get on the bike and L got a nice long swim. The only downside was the time we lost lying in bed, so no personal bonding there.

Due to the fading light we start tennis at 6.45 but if I hadn’t been kind enough to lose by two sets to love we wouldn’t have got a full game in. Then we head to the Victoria with dogs while L runs there.

(Thursday 1st September)

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