Today really is the dog show, so I take the dogs this time.
Both boys are clear in their first run. Although MD and I have a stand up row (yes another one) in the middle of his first course about which obstacle was the next one. Personally I thought the jump marked ‘10’ was the tenth obstacle but he swore blindly (and nosily) that no, it was the one marked ‘16’. Eventually we decide that I am right and the judge claps us at the end, indicating a clear round and so proving my point, that I was right all along. It’s just a shame we wasted five valuable seconds arguing about it. So no rosette.
Second run, no arguments, just a few wide turns and a slow set of weaves, perhaps because he's still sulking? We go third but it’s early and we slip to a final position of eighth but that’ll do nicely.
Meanwhile L’s been very busy. I must take her for a curry more often because this morning she’s been a blur of activity trying to work off last night's indiscretion. She’s ran into town to collect her bike, then biked to the gym, where she did a gym tri (run-bike-row) followed by a deep water aquarobics class. Scrub that last bit, the council seem to have cancelled it without telling anyone.
Back at the show, inspired by the lack of poles going down, MD and I go for it on run three. We overshoot a weave entry and have two poles down but it had to be tried. Our fourth run is tidier but still quick until three quarters of the way round when MD falls off the see-saw. FFS. I put him in the car in disgrace. Which I think is hard but fair.
L seems to disagree and is more concerned for MD’s wellbeing rather that for our stuffed up ‘winning’ run. She even pops him a sausage under the grill. Hmmm. He’s fine, he bounced on impact and it was his own fault.
A trip over to Derby tonight and it’s disappointing. Neither the Smithfield, the newly revamped Exeter Arms (now owned by the Dancing Duck brewery) or the Royal Standard have beers that light my fire.
Sometimes you get nights like that but next time it could be brilliant.
(Saturday 23rd July)
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