"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday 1 July 2011


L’s final day plodding the streets with the dogs, due to the park closure. Everyone else has had to do the same thing of course, all very much to the chagrin of MD, who doesn’t like company on ‘his’ streets.

The legs are just about ok this morning. A good job with another race tomorrow. We could even have done the Colin Potter 10k tonight if we wanted to be even madder. We have done for the last few years but this year it’s in the middle of the Grand Prix series rather than at the end. Then of course there’s this little run they’ve dubbed the ‘Marmite Race’ on Saturday, the Birmingham And Black Country Half Marathon, you either love it or hate it. Well, as we’re in it, I’ll let you know the verdict tomorrow.

Instead we head over to Warwick tonight to collect Son, who has passed all his first year exams and is heading home for the summer. Well, we collect his stuff, he’s staying on for one last night of partying and will meet us tomorrow in Birmingham.

(Friday 1st July)

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