"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Double Casserole Thursday

It’s MOT and service time for the car which is never a good time. However, oddly this year, they haven’t managed to find anything wrong with the car that I didn’t already know about.

At home, Doggo thinks he’s being poisoned. I put a couple of tiny worming tablets in his bowl three days ago and he found one of them. Ever since he's had to examine every morsel of food by chucking it on the floor and sniffing it from every angle. It is customary to drag him back to his bowl at least three times before either he finishes or we get bored waiting. It worst for MD, who is patiently waiting for any leftovers. It would be nice if we could all get away with this sort of behaviour when we’re his age.

The new 50 Shades book 'Grey: Fifty Shades of Grey as told by Christian' is out and it looks even more comical than the original but it’s proven so popular that there are queues coming out of Tesco. These women and their sex books, they should just get to grips with the real thing.

The tennis season is on a break already, after one week, as the centre is shut for tournaments. So it’s back to hot sweaty squash and a pint at the Navigation. L runs to us.

It’s not Faux Friday today (sadly) but it is double casserole Thursday. One at the pub at lunchtime, one more in the evening. 

(Thursday 18th June)

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