"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 21 October 2016

Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day

Day 12

I take the bus in the interest of leg resting. On the other hand, L is ecstatic to make the gym and to chat with people who aren't builders. This inspires her for an agenda of exercise exercise exercise over the weekend. 

However when I offer to take her on a nice bike ride on Saturday afternoon she recoils in horror at my use of the words ‘nice’ and ‘bike ride’ in the same sentence. I’m just trying to help out but she says she’ll stick with the gym.

It would be nice to do something together but then we can always do pairs Pilates on the wobble board tonight.

I again got for a lunchtime shower at the Velodrome because...

Later our plumber extraordinaire tells me that the shower is now in, working and we can use it... but do we believe him. We decide to defer its use until Sunday to make sure that anything that needs to have set is set.

The toilet has arrived but it’s at the shop so he’s got to go and fetch it... We are assured that everything will definitely be finished by the end of Tuesday... I’m spotting a pattern here. Rome wasn’t built in a day apparently.

As I speak to him I ask him if he was just about to finish for the day. There was a long silence, a bit of umming and ahhing, and then he said not quite yet. So I assume that was a yes. It's 2:30pm.

Oh well, never mind, it’s Friday night or it will be when us normal people finish work at 5pm.

(Friday 21st October)

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