"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Elusive Local Tradesmen

We now have new chic black tooth mug to go with the new chic black bathmats in our new chic bathroom.

On top of that L is thinking about chic black bedding for the spare bedroom although this is probably just so that it won’t show the mud up so much as this is MD's preferred sleeping place.

I have a roofer booked for today to fix a broken tile on our roof. I’d advertised this job on ‘MyBuilder’ and the local tradesmen have been scrapping like fury for it. Which just goes to show there are people out there if you make them come to you because when I go looking for a tradesman usually no one wants to know.

Problem is, since I’d given him the job I’d not heard anything from him. It does seem to be a bit of a pattern with builders.

He does get in touch eventually to tell me he’s fixed it and he pops back later for his money.

(Tuesday 8th November)

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