"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 11 November 2016

Hobson’s Choice

The park is locked and not for the first time this week. MD is terribly disappointed because he doesn’t get his ball chuck with L. Doggo and I, following up behind, still get our old man’s amble but it’s not the same not ending up with a sniff on the park. Once it starts to get a bit colder and darker the city council forget about us dog walkers.

I’m in the car today. Reason one is that I head to the Derby Runner at lunchtime to try to get either a replacement battery pack for the broken head torch or a brand new head torch. They don’t have any battery packs and the choice of just one pretty basic head torch. So, it’s Hobson’s choice. Either take the horse in the stall nearest the door or none at all. I ride off into the sunset with my new steed.

Reason two is the race itself which is the Night Trail at East Leake. This starts at 7pm, so it’s a case of a quick change at home and then back out again to the start at Rushcliffe Golf Club. Finding the golf club in the dark countryside proves to be the hardest part of the evening.

The run itself, for saying I’m not an off-road person, goes really well. The five mile route takes in a mix of bridal pathways, loose surface footpaths and sections over grassy fields. Naturally I lose my footing several times but unlike last time I ran at night on the Thunder Run I remain vertical.

It is well marked and well marshalled although most of the glow sticks along the route seem to lack the vital ingredients of glow. I also remember seeing signs for the water station at around half way but didn’t actually see the station itself. On reflection perhaps the three people stood by a parked car was it but it wasn’t obvious and my then it was too late to go back. 

At the finish we get a very nice medal, if you like that sort of thing and amazing I come in 13th out of 90. Wow.

There were rumours of a bar but the golf club has been booked for a private function and I don't think muddy runners are not invited so we head home.

When we get home it is to find that Daughter has arrived for the weekend and for her job interview tomorrow. It’s good to see her and she has already tried out the new shower. That’ll be £1 please.

 (Friday 11th November)

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