It’s not a race of course; it’s just riding to work. I’ve just discovered the website.
Absolute rubbish of course. SCR (Silly Commuter Racing) does not exist, why would anyone beat themselves up just because somebody with a higher FCN (Food Chain Number), overtook them. Well unless their bike had a basket on the front, or a child seat on the back, or was a folding bike or... well, I think I’ve made my point. I'm a 4 by the way.
We do not play 'The Game', no 'The Game' plays us. Absolute tosh.
So many running stories this week. Chrissie Wellington and her internal bruising, Paulo Di Canio accidentally doing a half marathon, that woman who gave birth almost directly after completing the Chicago Marathon and now we get the guy who hopped on the bus 20 miles into last Sunday's Kielder Marathon and then got off near the finish to ‘complete’ the course.
I’m sure he’s not the first to cheat like that but he’s probably the first to have the nerve to finish 3rd and claim a prize. I just hope he got the hot bath etc with his missus before he got found out.
Doggo’s recovery continues a pace, despite the fact he keeps having a sneaky lick of his wound when we’re out. I’ve been told to bat him on the nose and threaten him with the lampshade again if he does but I think it’s punishment enough that he’s allowed to attend but not participate in training tonight. In fact after MD’s session he jumps out of the boot without being asked, as if saying ‘right, my turn now’. Sorry mate you’re not allowed and anyway you’ve supposed to be ‘retired’. Put your feet up, get the slippers on, stuff like that.
I let him know I’m off work tomorrow afternoon, If he doesn’t tell his mum and promises not to pop any stitches, I’ll take him for a small session on the park with his ball.
(Wednesday 12th October)
Global Wealth Managers.
3 hours ago
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