"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Run A Minute, Walk A Minute

We go to work and leave Doggo which, because he keeps licking the scar from his operation, means he has to wear the lampshade. Well, the vet actually said we could put a t-shirt on him, but somehow I couldn’t see that working.

So the lampshade it is. If he wasn’t already freaked enough, he will be now with MD laughing at him... or perhaps not. MD actually looks rather hurt and jealous that he hasn’t got one himself. I promise MD that when Doggo is done with it, perhaps he can wear it for a day or two.

Doggo copes admirably with his new attire. Although when I get home it takes him a while to come to the door and I hear numerous 'crashing' noises coming from the kitchen as, I think, the collar collides with various things as he tries to extract himself from under the kitchen table, which is where he likes to sleep.

My ribs, which got re-damaged last week, are now back to about 80%. Most people, I guess, would be off work with that but as I’d rarely describe myself as more than 90% functional, 80% isn’t bad.

The test is can I run home as planned. Nope. My ribs are a pain, literally. I managed about half a mile before collapsing in a metaphorical heap. So I revert to one of those beginners training plans, that they use for events like the Race For Life, run a minute, walk a minute. I soon discover it’s not the running that’s the problem but the breathing. If can hold my upper body still and not breathe then everything is hunky dory. Some ask.

I manage to run/walk all the way to Borrowash, which according to the GPS was 7.6km. After a regroup and a team talk (to myself) on the bus, I get off at Bramcote and run the 5.2 km home from there without stopping. So things are perhaps not as bad as they first appeared. Could I run a half marathon though? As I’m supposed to be doing next Sunday. Hmmm. That’s twelve days away, so I’ll worry about that in due course. In the meantime I think I’ll do the rest of this week’s training on the bike.

When I get home L has gone out for a run too. I hope hers goes better than mine. She has requested something hot and Thai, with coconut milk, for later. So I google that on the internet and having ascertained that she probably does mean food after all, I set about attempting to seduce her with my culinary skills.

(Tuesday 4th October)

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