"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 12 October 2012


L works from home today because we’re out again tonight and the dogs could really do with some company. That’s if somebody would care to wake them up and tell them that they have company.

Surprisingly the head is not too bad after last night’s fairly heavy night with another due tonight as I’ve promised to take Squash Opponent to Brew Dog for a few 8%ers. Tonight is the occasion of his 50th birthday, for which he embarked on a challenge a bit like L’s 500 mile challenge for her 50th.

Only he went via a route of amassing 500 points by running km, walking km, playing squash/badminton games, golf holes and then more bizarrely alcohol free nights and vegetarian meals. I told him that was too easy and he doubled it to 1000 points. Which was better... but then he achieved it with a month to spare by amassing extra points in some of the ‘easier’ categories at the expense of running kms. Leaving 65k unran!

I insisted he do it and, to be fair, eventually, he did. Leaving just 4k left on his walking total, which I thought might save him the taxi fare tonight but he opted to do it this morning instead.

So after a few in Brew Dog we head off for Greek Tapas at Yamas.

It was supposed to be Spanish Tapas, that was until I enquired whether there was a hidden message in the fact that his partner had picked a dungeon underneath the Galleries of Justice in which to celebrate his birthday. When I point this out they changed the venue.

The original place, Iberico, sounded really good. Rave reviews too. I liked the sound of a cheeseboard as a starter. They probably even have blindfolds for uneasy guests. L and I have vowed to make it next on our list of places to try.

Yamas is good though, the place is quite quiet but the food is plentiful and nice enough, if a bit, well, Greek. The wine flows and the champagne too, not that I’m a fan of the bubbly. They even give us a free drink to finish, which makes you think, oh no is the bill that bad, but it wasn’t too horrific.

(Friday 12th October)

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