"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Third Puppyhood

The new Monday night dog training is not going well or even going at all. Last week we had to cancel due to rain this week to a lack of people. No more than three of us can make it this week. We need at least four to make it worthwhile and the other thing is that Muggings here will end up getting all the heavy equipment out on his own. It has to be on next week, rain permitting... because we have booked a trainer.

L is distraught, kind of, as it disrupts her date with the hoover or rather Doggo will disrupt it. In his second or is it his third puppyhood, he’s started attacking the damn thing. I will have to organise a football shaped distraction. A muddy one, which will subsequently undo the benefits of the hoovering.

I’m not sure I would have got there in time anyway. The Derby traffic is horrendous tonight; it takes 70 minutes to travel the 14 miles home. It’s 20 minutes quicker by bike, in fact it’s getting to stage where it’s almost as quick to run home.

Once I finally get there, I spend a bit of time training MD in the garden, going through what he did wrong yesterday and of course he didn’t put a paw wrong once.

The new Nottingham Half Marathon course seems to have been a success. It may have looked dull and boring on paper but it pulled in about a thousand more than last year.

(Monday 1st October)

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