"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Bob The Builder

Due to ongoing problems with our new customer, Mr Stroppy, my colleague and I are incredibly underprepared for our London trip. We manage to get together for a couple of hours but could have done with a whole day of preparation. As usual, we're just going to have to wing it.

We do though have all the necessary PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Although for me, it’s a case of beg, borrow and steal. My boss’s hard hat, my colleagues spare high-viz jacket and a new pair of boots which have to be specially ordered. L says I'll look like Bob the Builder and they wonder why I don’t go out on site much.

Later I head over to dog class and drop L off on the way because she wants to run to her mother's. She doesn’t look keen at all and I have to practically push her out of the car in Derby. She still doesn’t look like she’s up for a run. I wonder whether she’ll have made it there by the time I get back from dog class. She does. I’m sure she enjoyed it really.

(Wednesday 4th May)

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